• Mobile App

  • How do I create an account on app?

    Login as a guest user. In the main menu select "Request for registration", it will take you to the new user registration form. Fill in all the required details like your company and contact details.
    After we reviewing your profile, your account will be created, and you will receive the User ID and Password on your mobile and Email.

  • How can I download ledger or invoice?

    Login with your User id and password. Select outstanding/Ledger option from home screen.
    To download an invoice: select the invoice number from the list and select Email invoice.
    To download a ledger: select date range and select Email Ledger.

  • How can I see my previous orders?

    From main menu, select My Orders. You can see the list of your previous orders. You can edit quantities, delete some items or the entire order from here.
